Minggu, 11 November 2012
The occurrence of twins
The process of biological twins is when the fertilization of eggs by sperm membantuk buahi zygote, then this zygote will divide. If cleavage occurs when the zygote at the beginning of fertilization (1-3 days after fertilization), the embryo will usually have different amniotic bag, and one placenta.
But when the division for 14 days then it is likely there will be twins join / stick together on the part of the body or imperfect division called Siamese twins
So Conjoined twins occur in monozygot. With ultrasound examination (utrasonografi) doctor can assess the state of the fetus, gender, disability or defect positions etc..
Twin Dizygotik
Fraternal twins are also called twin dizygotik, the twins come from two eggs. They usually do not look much like their brethren bleak
Do not always have the same gender, with 50% of fraternal twins are boys - girls, 25% were boys - and men and 25% more are girls - children perempuan.Proses fraternal twinning , which is due at the time of conception there are two mature eggs each in buahi by a different sperm.
Fraternal twins come from two different eggs and sperm, each of which has its own amniotic sac and placenta own. So fraternal twins, is 2 fertilization process in a single pregnancy.
Approximately 2/3 part of the twins are fraternal twins. Usually the doctor will be able to express identical or fraternal twins after the birth of the placenta level has.
Relationship Between Twins
There are many wonderful things if you have a twin in the family. One of the most fun is "built-in buddy". There are many who think that having twins is an advantage. Not just for the twins themselves, but also for their parents.As preschoolers, they confuse others of their classmates with their interactive play. Stages
of development, they surpassed their classmates, who still prefer
"parallel play," as their teacher called their independent style of
play. After a day of school, they will continue to play at home, creating elaborate stories and games with dolls and stuffed animals.
Some of the same age will complain about the challenge of being a new mother or father, and keep their children in order to stay entertained. They struggle to find themselves, when their child does not want to think what it says them.However It was never a burden for parents who have twins because twins assessed could find their happiness and pleasure from his brother.
When they were growing up some twins have recognized the benefits of twinship itself. Having friends "built-in buddy" who is much more comfortable to explore new situations, such as starting school, joined the team, would go to the camp, or go on vacation. As they approached the preteens and start relying less on Dad and Ib. they will always be comforted by the presence of a constant companion in range or always there.
But having a twin is not always good in the non-twins. various taunts danhinaan hey maybe that will meet, sometimes they need to be separated from each other for a moment because it is sometimes difficult for them to establish close friendships with other friends who are mostly just looking at them as an individual.
As parents of twins, always trying to balance the benefits of the "built-in buddy" with the needs of each of the twins before, because they may not be exactly the same with each other.
Some of the same age will complain about the challenge of being a new mother or father, and keep their children in order to stay entertained. They struggle to find themselves, when their child does not want to think what it says them.However It was never a burden for parents who have twins because twins assessed could find their happiness and pleasure from his brother.
When they were growing up some twins have recognized the benefits of twinship itself. Having friends "built-in buddy" who is much more comfortable to explore new situations, such as starting school, joined the team, would go to the camp, or go on vacation. As they approached the preteens and start relying less on Dad and Ib. they will always be comforted by the presence of a constant companion in range or always there.
But having a twin is not always good in the non-twins. various taunts danhinaan hey maybe that will meet, sometimes they need to be separated from each other for a moment because it is sometimes difficult for them to establish close friendships with other friends who are mostly just looking at them as an individual.
As parents of twins, always trying to balance the benefits of the "built-in buddy" with the needs of each of the twins before, because they may not be exactly the same with each other.
Twins Pregnancy
A twin pregnancy is different from normal pregnancy in several ways. Twin developments generally mimic normal infant development, but they shared a womb, and that makes it different from a twin pregnancy with baby twins in the womb early biasa.Pertumbuhan difference between fraternal twins and identical twins. Fraternal twins conceived when two eggs are released by the ovaries and fertilized by each different sperm. They share the same space in the womb. Identical twins are conceived when the sperm fertilize a single egg cell and the resulting zygote splits into two separate parts, each with the same genetic makeup.A twin pregnancies are usually only about 37 weeks, shorter than single births. Twins would have lungs like an adult at birth, but will likely be smaller and lighter weight than a single baby.Early Stages of Multiple PregnanciesMost parents know their baby twins carrying twins of routine ultrasound done between weeks 16 and 20.During the first two trimesters of pregnancy,twins develop at the same rate with a single baby. At week 6, respectively twins expand about 1/10 of an inch long, or about the size of a grain of rice. In the 5th month, expands twins 7-10 inches, the size of a large banana, weighing about 1 pound each baby.Last Trimester Pregnancy Baby TwinsIn the third trimester of pregnancy with twins, a typical growth pattern and is different from a single pregnancy. At the beginning of the third trimester twins began to grow slightly faster than a single baby, up to about 30 weeks.Then the growth and weight of twins and decreases more rapidly than in singleton pregnancies. As a result, the twins are usually smaller and lighter at birth than single babies.At month 7, twins weigh about 3 pounds and 8 months, the twins could have a weight between 4 and 5 pounds.End of a PregnancyHow long is the mother carrying twins and determine their chances of survival and a healthy birth.Twenty-four weeks is known as the threshold of viability. Babies born at this stage will probably spend at least three months in intensive care units. One third of them will survive without health problems.At 28 weeks, viability increased drastically. Nearly all infants (99 percent) who get to this stage survive, but some suffer complications.Infants born at 32-34 weeks have a good chance of survival without long-term complications. If their lungs are not fully developed, the baby may need to spend time tercsebut ICU or may require oxygen tanks to survive.
Want to have twins? Multiple
pregnancies are not always depend on genes and heredity, as some foods
can help you improve your fertility chances of having twins. What is it?
It's been proven that a healthy diet can help improve the chances of conception (fertilization). Although there is no guarantee that certain foods can make you have twins, but at least it can increase the chances of pregnancy with twins.
Here are some nutrients that can help to have twins, as reported boldsky, Saturday (14/07/2012):
1. YamYaruba tribal people in Nigeria is reported to have a high rate of multiple births. A study revealed that a high consumption of cassava in the diet contributes a great pattern.
Cassava in the family roots, which is a source of phytoestrogens and progesterone. The presence of these chemicals can help hyper-ovulation. People who eat wild yam has been reported to have a high twinning rate.
2. Dairy productsDairy products such as milk, butter and cheese can also help you to have twins because they contain a lot of calcium. Calcium is not only responsible for bone health, but also a healthy reproductive system.
According to Dr Gary Steinman, a physician at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, women who have a high consumption of dairy products has five times more chances to have twins than women who do not eat.
3. Folic AcidStudies have linked consumption of folic acid and twinning. Foods such as beans, peas, spinach and make a bit of good fertility is food because it is rich in folic acid.
A study conducted by the Australian team found that the odds of having twins increase by 40 percent in women who ate foods or folic acid supplements while trying to conceive.
4. Complex carbohydratesFoods containing complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, nuts and vegetables are excellent food if you want to experience multiple pregnancies. These nutrients can increase without triggering ovulation increases insulin.
It's been proven that a healthy diet can help improve the chances of conception (fertilization). Although there is no guarantee that certain foods can make you have twins, but at least it can increase the chances of pregnancy with twins.
Here are some nutrients that can help to have twins, as reported boldsky, Saturday (14/07/2012):
1. YamYaruba tribal people in Nigeria is reported to have a high rate of multiple births. A study revealed that a high consumption of cassava in the diet contributes a great pattern.
Cassava in the family roots, which is a source of phytoestrogens and progesterone. The presence of these chemicals can help hyper-ovulation. People who eat wild yam has been reported to have a high twinning rate.
2. Dairy productsDairy products such as milk, butter and cheese can also help you to have twins because they contain a lot of calcium. Calcium is not only responsible for bone health, but also a healthy reproductive system.
According to Dr Gary Steinman, a physician at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, women who have a high consumption of dairy products has five times more chances to have twins than women who do not eat.
3. Folic AcidStudies have linked consumption of folic acid and twinning. Foods such as beans, peas, spinach and make a bit of good fertility is food because it is rich in folic acid.
A study conducted by the Australian team found that the odds of having twins increase by 40 percent in women who ate foods or folic acid supplements while trying to conceive.
4. Complex carbohydratesFoods containing complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, nuts and vegetables are excellent food if you want to experience multiple pregnancies. These nutrients can increase without triggering ovulation increases insulin.
(Morbili) is an acute viral disease, transmitted characterized by three
stages, namely prodormal stage (catarrhal), stage of eruption and
konvalisensi stage, which is manifested by fever, conjunctivitis and
koplik.Morbili spotting is a common contagious childhood disease is
usually characterized by symptoms minor-major symptoms, rash fever, scarlet, enlarged spleen and pain pulse.
Morbili an acute illness easily transmitted and often serious complications
Almost all children under 5 years in developing countries will develop the disease, while in developed countries usually affects young teens or young adults who are not protected by immunization
Morbili disease is fatal if not actually attacking the children were healthy and well nourished. But if in a country where children are suffering from malnutrition are numerous, morbili a fatal disease
and cause increased mortality rate to 512%
Children who are less nutritious and attacked morbili, usually followed by a condition called kwashiorkor. This situation can be explained by the increased need for calories and protein during the infection process is accompanied by fever, decreased appetite, and disorders of the mouth of a child who rnenyebabkan difficulty swallowing. In addition, a change in the intestinal mucosa causing protein losing enteropathy
For it was necessary precautions. One of the most effective measures assessed is by immunization. This can allow the same desired result when an infection occurs naturally, and without such a heavy influence when infected with the disease itself.
In Indonesia has since 1982 implemented morbili immunization program. as for the purpose of immunization itself is to reduce morbidity and mortality, if possible eradicate the disease. To eradicate the infectious diseases that can infect mikroorganismenya hospes more than one, or even to live in a less favorable environment is impossible?. But if the microorganism is totally dependent on humans, the eradication of the disease can be done, because both viruses are many similarities among others:
- If infected will cause characteristic rash and cause immunity in a long time.
- The second type of virus has no animal reservoir and does not cause chronic carrier state.
Dit.Jen. P2M & PLP was morbili implement mass immunization program. To achieve optimum effectiveness, many factors must be considered such as: the potential of the vaccine itself, the age of children vaccinated, wide range of immunization and others. Immunization coverage is determined by several factors, among others: the vaccine facility, the location of the area to be vaccinated, the ability of the officer and others.
Medium age of children vaccinated each country is different, depending on the state of the country. For potential vaccines is influenced by delivery, storage, handling in the field and the type of the vaccine itself. Morbili vaccine potency is good according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a vaccine that has the potential morbili
103.0 / 0.5 ml / dose.
Measles would infect only once in a lifetime. Can occur in children who are still young and that has been great. When the immune system strong, it could be the child is not exposed to measles at all.
The cause of measles is the measles virus or morbili.Pada Initially, symptoms of measles is rather difficult to detect. However, an outline of measles can be divided into 3 phases.
- The first phase is called the incubation period lasts about 10-12 days. In this phase, the children have started to infection but he has yet to appear on any symptoms. Red patches that are characteristic of measles has not come out.
- In the second phase (phase prodormal) before symptoms similar to the flu, such as coughs, colds, and fevers. Eyes appear reddish and watery. When you look at something, the eyes will glare (photo phobia). Appears next to the mouth of the white spots that will last 3-4 days. Sometimes children also experience diarrhea. A couple of days later a high fever fluctuate, ranging from 38 to 40.50 c.
- The third phase marked by red patches along with a high fever that happened. However, indirect patches appear all over the body, but a gradual and vines. Starting from the back of the ears, neck, chest, face, arms and legs. The color is typical of red with a size that is not too big but not too small.
Red splotches in medical language called makulopapuler. Usually patches all over the body meet in about a week. However, this depends on the immune system padadaya each child. When her endurance better then spotting the red is not too spread out and not too full. Generally, if the red spots were out, the fever will go down by itself. Red spots become even more long blackish and scaly skin (hyperpigmentation), and then fall off or heal itself. This period is a time of healing that takes up to 2 weeks.
Its worth a watch, measles transmission takes place very quickly through the intermediate bursts of air or saliva (droplet) is inhaled through the nose or mouth. Transmission occurs during the second phase until 1-2 days after red spots arise. Unfortunately, there is a wrong assumption in the community will be measles. For example, if one family member affected by measles, the other family members so that all inadvertently infected hassle. The reason, is not measles only happens once in a lifetime? So if a child had been measles, after which it will be safe forever. This is obviously not true because the opinion is not a disease to be transmitted. Moreover, the impact of measles is quite dangerous.
Another assumption that should be clarified, namely that the red spots on the measles should go all out because otherwise it will actually harm the patient. Which is true, it indicates the number of patches of light-weight measles. The more numbers means more severe disease. Your doctor will only see to it that measles in children are not getting worse or does not get red spots appear all over his body.
In addition, there are many parents who treat children against measles is wrong. One of them, the child is not bathed. It is feared, sweat attached to the child's body creates a feeling sticky and itchy skin by scratching pushed unclean hands resulting in infection in the form of tiny festering sores. Instead, the child will feel comfortable bathing.
Treatment of measles is done by treating the symptoms. Fever that occurs will be treated with fever-lowering drugs. If the child has diarrhea then given a drug used to treat diarrhea. Cough will be resolved by treating cough. Doctors also will prepare the anticonvulsant drug if the child had a seizure talent.In essence, all symptoms must be treated because if not, it could be dangerous measles. The impact can vary, even in case of complications. Keep in mind, measles measles categorized as mild and severe. Called mild, if after 1-2 days of treatment, the symptoms that arise improve. Called a weight if the treatment given was not immune because there could have been complications.
Complications can occur because measles virus spreads through the bloodstream to other body tissues. The most frequent cause of death in children is kompilkasi pneumonia (broncho pneumonia) and inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). This complication can occur rapidly during the last illness.Symptoms of encephalitis which is a one-time or recurring seizures, decreased consciousness child, and the heat is difficult because it is an infection down "ride" that reach the brain. In contrast, complications of pneumonia characterized by coughing, runny nose, and shortness of breath. Thus, death is usually not caused by the measles itself, but because of complications. Generally severe measles occurred in children who are malnourished.
Ø When campaknya mild, the child is cared for at home. If campaknya heavy or until complications occur it must be treated in hospital.
Ø Children measles should be treated in a separate place so as not to transmit the disease to others. Especially when there's a baby in the house that have not been immunized against measles.
Ø Give the patient a nutritionally balanced and sufficient to increase the body resistance. The food should be easy to digest, because the child contracted measles susceptible infections, such as strep throat, flu, or other. Vulnerable period is still ongoing for a month after recovering patient endurance that are still weak.
Ø Perform appropriate treatment in consultation with a doctor.
Ø Keep the child's body while bathing.
Ø Children need to get enough rest.
All viral diseases are endemic. Meaning can occur anytime during the year, not knowing the season. Measles in children should be prevented by immunization. Moreover, measles many attacks children aged under five. Supposedly, the measles vaccine has no side effects, but because the vaccine is made from inactivated virus, it could be one of the millions of virus cause side effects. For example, after being immunized against measles, children become hot or diarrhea.Actually babies get antibodies from the mother through the placenta during pregnancy. However, antibodies from the mother to the baby's body will decrease at the age of nine months. Because of that, measles immunization done at that age. Then, as the baby under 9 months have not been able to form immune properly then repeated measles vaccination at age 15 months with immunization MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella). With vaccination is expected bilapun child is exposed to measles, the impact was not severe or fatal due to the body's own antibodies.However, because there are now suspicions that the preservative in MMR vaccines can trigger autism, measles immunization eventually be repeated. There is no need to worry if the child has reached the age of three years and undergo normal growth process. "We recommend that children be vaccinated. Be delayed but should not be eliminated. Until large can still be vaccinated. It is better to prevent than cure. "
German measles or rubella is different from ordinary measles. In children, German measles are rare and not until the fatal impact. "If there usually occur in older children, around the age of 5 to 14 years,".Symptoms are similar to regular measles, such as colds, coughs, colds and high fever. However, red patches that arise will not be too severe and rapidly disappeared within 3 days. Appetite patient also usually decreases due to the swelling of the spleen.
Nothing to worry about if this German measles attack pregnant women because it can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta (afterbirth). As a result, children born will have a congenital rubella syndrome. Baby will undergo cataract eye soon after birth, there is a deafness, and there was calcification in the brain, so that children can experience growth retardation.
So, every girl should receive rubella vaccination to protect her fetus when she was pregnant later. In girls this immunity will be passed down to the baby until the age of 9 months. The need for rubella vaccination in men, because that might menjangkitinya German measles can infect his wife, who was pregnant.
Morbili an acute illness easily transmitted and often serious complications
Almost all children under 5 years in developing countries will develop the disease, while in developed countries usually affects young teens or young adults who are not protected by immunization
Morbili disease is fatal if not actually attacking the children were healthy and well nourished. But if in a country where children are suffering from malnutrition are numerous, morbili a fatal disease
and cause increased mortality rate to 512%
Children who are less nutritious and attacked morbili, usually followed by a condition called kwashiorkor. This situation can be explained by the increased need for calories and protein during the infection process is accompanied by fever, decreased appetite, and disorders of the mouth of a child who rnenyebabkan difficulty swallowing. In addition, a change in the intestinal mucosa causing protein losing enteropathy
For it was necessary precautions. One of the most effective measures assessed is by immunization. This can allow the same desired result when an infection occurs naturally, and without such a heavy influence when infected with the disease itself.
In Indonesia has since 1982 implemented morbili immunization program. as for the purpose of immunization itself is to reduce morbidity and mortality, if possible eradicate the disease. To eradicate the infectious diseases that can infect mikroorganismenya hospes more than one, or even to live in a less favorable environment is impossible?. But if the microorganism is totally dependent on humans, the eradication of the disease can be done, because both viruses are many similarities among others:
- If infected will cause characteristic rash and cause immunity in a long time.
- The second type of virus has no animal reservoir and does not cause chronic carrier state.
Dit.Jen. P2M & PLP was morbili implement mass immunization program. To achieve optimum effectiveness, many factors must be considered such as: the potential of the vaccine itself, the age of children vaccinated, wide range of immunization and others. Immunization coverage is determined by several factors, among others: the vaccine facility, the location of the area to be vaccinated, the ability of the officer and others.
Medium age of children vaccinated each country is different, depending on the state of the country. For potential vaccines is influenced by delivery, storage, handling in the field and the type of the vaccine itself. Morbili vaccine potency is good according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a vaccine that has the potential morbili
103.0 / 0.5 ml / dose.
Measles would infect only once in a lifetime. Can occur in children who are still young and that has been great. When the immune system strong, it could be the child is not exposed to measles at all.
The cause of measles is the measles virus or morbili.Pada Initially, symptoms of measles is rather difficult to detect. However, an outline of measles can be divided into 3 phases.
- The first phase is called the incubation period lasts about 10-12 days. In this phase, the children have started to infection but he has yet to appear on any symptoms. Red patches that are characteristic of measles has not come out.
- In the second phase (phase prodormal) before symptoms similar to the flu, such as coughs, colds, and fevers. Eyes appear reddish and watery. When you look at something, the eyes will glare (photo phobia). Appears next to the mouth of the white spots that will last 3-4 days. Sometimes children also experience diarrhea. A couple of days later a high fever fluctuate, ranging from 38 to 40.50 c.
- The third phase marked by red patches along with a high fever that happened. However, indirect patches appear all over the body, but a gradual and vines. Starting from the back of the ears, neck, chest, face, arms and legs. The color is typical of red with a size that is not too big but not too small.
Red splotches in medical language called makulopapuler. Usually patches all over the body meet in about a week. However, this depends on the immune system padadaya each child. When her endurance better then spotting the red is not too spread out and not too full. Generally, if the red spots were out, the fever will go down by itself. Red spots become even more long blackish and scaly skin (hyperpigmentation), and then fall off or heal itself. This period is a time of healing that takes up to 2 weeks.
Its worth a watch, measles transmission takes place very quickly through the intermediate bursts of air or saliva (droplet) is inhaled through the nose or mouth. Transmission occurs during the second phase until 1-2 days after red spots arise. Unfortunately, there is a wrong assumption in the community will be measles. For example, if one family member affected by measles, the other family members so that all inadvertently infected hassle. The reason, is not measles only happens once in a lifetime? So if a child had been measles, after which it will be safe forever. This is obviously not true because the opinion is not a disease to be transmitted. Moreover, the impact of measles is quite dangerous.
Another assumption that should be clarified, namely that the red spots on the measles should go all out because otherwise it will actually harm the patient. Which is true, it indicates the number of patches of light-weight measles. The more numbers means more severe disease. Your doctor will only see to it that measles in children are not getting worse or does not get red spots appear all over his body.
In addition, there are many parents who treat children against measles is wrong. One of them, the child is not bathed. It is feared, sweat attached to the child's body creates a feeling sticky and itchy skin by scratching pushed unclean hands resulting in infection in the form of tiny festering sores. Instead, the child will feel comfortable bathing.
Treatment of measles is done by treating the symptoms. Fever that occurs will be treated with fever-lowering drugs. If the child has diarrhea then given a drug used to treat diarrhea. Cough will be resolved by treating cough. Doctors also will prepare the anticonvulsant drug if the child had a seizure talent.In essence, all symptoms must be treated because if not, it could be dangerous measles. The impact can vary, even in case of complications. Keep in mind, measles measles categorized as mild and severe. Called mild, if after 1-2 days of treatment, the symptoms that arise improve. Called a weight if the treatment given was not immune because there could have been complications.
Complications can occur because measles virus spreads through the bloodstream to other body tissues. The most frequent cause of death in children is kompilkasi pneumonia (broncho pneumonia) and inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). This complication can occur rapidly during the last illness.Symptoms of encephalitis which is a one-time or recurring seizures, decreased consciousness child, and the heat is difficult because it is an infection down "ride" that reach the brain. In contrast, complications of pneumonia characterized by coughing, runny nose, and shortness of breath. Thus, death is usually not caused by the measles itself, but because of complications. Generally severe measles occurred in children who are malnourished.
Ø When campaknya mild, the child is cared for at home. If campaknya heavy or until complications occur it must be treated in hospital.
Ø Children measles should be treated in a separate place so as not to transmit the disease to others. Especially when there's a baby in the house that have not been immunized against measles.
Ø Give the patient a nutritionally balanced and sufficient to increase the body resistance. The food should be easy to digest, because the child contracted measles susceptible infections, such as strep throat, flu, or other. Vulnerable period is still ongoing for a month after recovering patient endurance that are still weak.
Ø Perform appropriate treatment in consultation with a doctor.
Ø Keep the child's body while bathing.
Ø Children need to get enough rest.
All viral diseases are endemic. Meaning can occur anytime during the year, not knowing the season. Measles in children should be prevented by immunization. Moreover, measles many attacks children aged under five. Supposedly, the measles vaccine has no side effects, but because the vaccine is made from inactivated virus, it could be one of the millions of virus cause side effects. For example, after being immunized against measles, children become hot or diarrhea.Actually babies get antibodies from the mother through the placenta during pregnancy. However, antibodies from the mother to the baby's body will decrease at the age of nine months. Because of that, measles immunization done at that age. Then, as the baby under 9 months have not been able to form immune properly then repeated measles vaccination at age 15 months with immunization MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella). With vaccination is expected bilapun child is exposed to measles, the impact was not severe or fatal due to the body's own antibodies.However, because there are now suspicions that the preservative in MMR vaccines can trigger autism, measles immunization eventually be repeated. There is no need to worry if the child has reached the age of three years and undergo normal growth process. "We recommend that children be vaccinated. Be delayed but should not be eliminated. Until large can still be vaccinated. It is better to prevent than cure. "
German measles or rubella is different from ordinary measles. In children, German measles are rare and not until the fatal impact. "If there usually occur in older children, around the age of 5 to 14 years,".Symptoms are similar to regular measles, such as colds, coughs, colds and high fever. However, red patches that arise will not be too severe and rapidly disappeared within 3 days. Appetite patient also usually decreases due to the swelling of the spleen.
Nothing to worry about if this German measles attack pregnant women because it can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta (afterbirth). As a result, children born will have a congenital rubella syndrome. Baby will undergo cataract eye soon after birth, there is a deafness, and there was calcification in the brain, so that children can experience growth retardation.
So, every girl should receive rubella vaccination to protect her fetus when she was pregnant later. In girls this immunity will be passed down to the baby until the age of 9 months. The need for rubella vaccination in men, because that might menjangkitinya German measles can infect his wife, who was pregnant.
Selasa, 06 November 2012
Steps to Healthy Living
There are several steps that must be undertaken to achieve a healthy lifestyle, including the consumption of food,
exercise, rest, air quality, environmental health, optimism, and a
strong personal.
SportSport is an activity that is easy to do but many ignore it, in terms of sport is a source of health for the entire body. Regular
exercise provides many benefits for your health, like be more
aggressive, high-pressure lowering virgin, strengthen bones, increase
HDL (good cholesterol), prevent diabetes, reduce the risk of cancer,
reduce stress and depression, and will also provide fitness.
Break The PrettyAdequate
rest will provide for our bodies weary to recuperate and give enough
time for the body to restore energy that has been used.
Creating the Clean AirFor those who live in big cities, live in an area free from pollution is almost impossible. Nevertheless, we must try to minimize it, at least not worsen air condition. It
can be done in a way such as planting crops in pots disekeling home,
and spare land for planting trees even though the land was only enough
for one tree.Creating a healthy environmentIf you want to enjoy optimal health, the article should be well maintained environment. Environment that is inclusive climate, water, soil, vegetation, and atmosphere. Maintaining
a good environment means not pollute the environment with all kinds of
impurities such as littering, cigarette smoke, industrial residual fuel,
the smoke from the burning car or trash etc..
OptimisticNothing can stand in an always optimistic view of life. Barriers and failure is not an obstacle to move forward, but regarded it as a lesson for the next step. Even optimism also be good for your health. It closely kaitanya the body's immune system. An optimist would look life-like tune, up and down to the rhythm, always bright and very easy to laugh. Attitudes like these that support overall health.
Strong personalStrong personal is also very closely related to overall health. Strong personal means being able to control the overall activities of life. There are two important components associated with self-control. First, never eat anything that is destructive, such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, food preservatives etc.. The two are not excessive in leading a healthy lifestyle.* There are some healthy food tips:• High-fat food is very risky to health, especially of butter, margarine and milk from animal fat. Overarching well you get from nuts or seeds. Viscera, brain, chicken skin and egg yolks should be avoided. Instead, as a source of protein, you choose low-fat milk, yogurt, soy milk, fish and egg whites. But if you like meat choose lean meats.• Raw foods should be avoided if you lack preservatives. Foods that contain preservatives one in the long term can lead to cancer.• Make the water as favorite beverage. Condition yourself you "you do not drink if you do not drink water".•
If you love colorful foods, use of foodstuffs; red color of
strawberries, green from pandan leaves, the yellow color of turmeric,
brown color of cocoa powder. Do not overdo added soy sauce, salt and flavorings.• Fruits and vegetables should always be present in every syuran your diet.
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